
by Emery Herbert

As your final year of high school winds down and the senioritis becomes unbearable I am sure that every girl out there (much like myself) is filled with daydreams and fantasies of how the next four years are going to go. You imagine you and your new roommate becoming best friends. You imagine grabbing a coffee with the cute boy in your writing 121 class. You imagine studying hard in the library to ace that pop quiz your chem professor gives you. You’re basically living in your head and in your daydreams about college. Well STOP! You’re not there yet, and you still have three more months to be a foolish kid. The summer after your senior year is supposed to be one of the greatest summers of your life! It’s the last time you have to spend with your high school friends and for some it’s the last summer you wont have to, should I dare say it, get a real job!

If you haven’t already planned a senior trip start looking because it’s not summer until you and 20 of your closest friends cram into four motel rooms in Cabo San Lucas. Spending every day tanning on the beach and every night out dancing with the locals, your senior trip is one vacation you cant miss out on. It will be the last big hurrah with these people who you have spent every day of the past four years with. You will be posting these pictures as #tbt pics for three years to come but you won’t have these amazing pictures to make all of your new friends wish they had known you their whole lives if you don’t go on your senior trip! Don’t let money or anything else stop you from making as many amazing memories as possible.

I, like every other graduating senior out there, can’t wait to move out, get away from my parents and have real freedom. Sure I am going to miss my two cats like crazy, but the moment I enter my dorm room it will all be worth it. But don’t get ahead of yourself, your parents have taken care of you, fed you, dealt with you crying because the girl in front of you in the cafeteria got the last panini and you had to skip lunch. You need to make time for them this summer as well. You don’t have to plan a whole week of mom and daughter activities but once a week go get lunch with your mom and talk about your fears and excitements for college. Sit down and watch a baseball game or two with your dad. They are going to miss you so much once school starts and believe it or not, you are going to miss them too. You don’t want to think about the times you spent with your parents and your most recent memories be asking for money for the $200 prom dress that you just had to have or you would die. You want to have memories of just hanging out and having a good laugh with your parents as they start to treat you more like an adult and less like their little baby. Your parents have gone through so much with you and you wouldn’t even be here without them, so they deserve some of your time this summer.

One of the things I am looking forward to most this summer is shopping! Shopping for fun, for your dorm, for clothes so you turn every head on move in day. Shopping for anything really, because let’s be honest, shopping is one of THE greatest activities known to man. While shopping for clothes I personally recommend the wish app I use it 24/7 and its super cheap and pretty good quality, half of my closet I bought on some sort of online shopping website honestly. Don’t be afraid to buy something that is outside of your comfort zone either. You’re going to a new school with all new people. It’s a time to reinvent yourself and become the person you aspire to be and if that means buying a bright green blazer to wear with white jeans nude pumps and the most adorable gray graphic tee, you do that! Don’t be afraid of what people are going to think about what you wear because everyone is just as nervous and wanting to impress as you are and your confidence and awesome fashion sense is going to blow them out of the water. Another big summer shopping trip is buying for your dorm. Of course you need the basics: laptop, lamp, storage bin, laundry basket, you get the point. The exciting part of it all is you can decorate your dorm room however you want to so don’t just settle for average. Get a bed cubby and dangle lights all over your room. Choose color and pattern to coordinate with your roommate. Buy tons of posters or better yet make your own cute wall art to hang up! Where can I get all of this amazing dorm decor you ask? Look at your URL you are on the greatest site for dorm shopping, DORM DECOR! Your dorm room will be tiny and crowded but you’re going to be living there for the next nine months and it is YOUR room so show your personality in it.

I can’t wait to move in and walk around campus with my roommate ahem, instant best friend, meeting new people and experiencing new things everywhere I look, but this summer is one experience I refuse to let pass me by. This summer I promise to have the greatest time of my life! And I hope you can make the same promise to yourself as well.

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